A Mobile Command Post will be used for large-scale incidents or catastaphes that may require extended time demand (those requiring a number of officers and public-service agencies) in the Crescenta Valley Community. May include hostage situations, active shooter calls, mass-casualty incidents, task-force operations.

The primary use is for communications – to use aside from a central dispatch – with on-site radio equipment. This mobile command post will be able to function as a scaled-down dispatch center. It also has equipment to “tie in” several different radios/bands such that everyone on scene can talk to one another – even if on multiple different frequencies/bands.

A Mobile Command Post will also have some unique recording equipment, camera/video equipment – and TV monitors.

It’s also a centralized place for agency officials to meet/talk during scenes. Different chiefs from departments on scene can meet and make plans in the unit.

A Mobile Command Post will also have some extra radio equipment, some extra tactical gear and some degree of “rehabilitation” supplies for responders.

Our Goal: $120,000